Saturday, 8 November 2008

Sexy Boots and the American Isthmus.

Shit!  Now that's a pair of boots!Well then...

We're a few months into the new site and frankly, things are going pretty well.

We've got just short of 170 styles going, and as soon as our web guy pulls his finger out of his arse, there'll be maybe, twice that. (Just joking, he's working hard.)

Most of you (our most welcome and valued customers) are from the UK we notice, but you Americans are catching up pretty quick. You've been gaining consistently for the last three months. C'mon, you American cousins. Just a little more effort and you'll be kicking our limey asses.

Funky, glitter boots!  You'll love 'em!Rather disappointing however, are you good folk over in Costa Rica. Just one visit. Just one. From Cartago, just outside San Jose. You only looked at one page. What's up? Didn't you like it? Why not? Now, I know Costa Rica, I was there for a few years and I know the Costa Ricans and if there's something you lot like, it's a sexy pair of boots. So show the world you can do it, Costa Rica! Explore you footwear boundries!

Just joking. "Pura Vida, mae!"

Skulls!  What more does a Goth want?Now then... the Goth pages are the most popular, closely followed by the Fetish styles. This isn't too suprising, but we were expecting better results for the Mod stuff. Bowling shoes are a constant favourite - and YES, we have them!

Most of you are coming from Google (no surprise there) but an unexpected number of searches are finding our stuff using the search term 'funky shoes'. All good stuff to us, we have some pretty funky boots and shoes, as you can see.

A nice little peak in the traffic graphs was just a few days ago when some kindly person mentioned us on Whoever you are, cheers!

Anyway, that's it for now. I have a cup of tea to make and a TV programme about particle physics to watch.

'Luego, amigos.

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